Factors Affecting Garnet Water Cutting

Factors Affecting Garnet Water Cutting

Speed In the process of garnet water cutting, the cutting speed is affected by many factors.

1. The tool head accessories are aligned It is necessary to ensure the precise connection between the accessories of the water jet. Only the perfect cooperation of the water jet nozzle, sand valve and sand pipe can reduce the damage of the high-pressure water jet to the consumable parts of the water jet.

2. Length of sand pipe The length of the sand pipe should be kept between 3-4 inches. The sand pipe of 3-4 inches can ensure a good mixing of the abrasive and the compressed air to form a more coherent and orderly cutting flow.

3. Water jet diameter As the nozzle diameter increases, the kerf becomes wider, the cutting depth decreases, the chip size becomes larger, and the kerf quality also deteriorates significantly. The diameter of the nozzle outlet should not be too large, and should be kept between 0.1 and 0.3 mm, and the sealing of the water jet should be done well. ​​

4. Cutting distance A suitable cutting distance can reduce the loss caused by the water jet passing through the air and optimize the cutting efficiency.

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