Garnet A++ colour garnet 30/60 pink garnet


Garnet A++ Colour – Pink  30-60 –   Garnet A++ grade

Garnet A++ sand is a andine river garnet.

It’s mined from a hard rock deposit consisting of extremely aggressive and sharp grains.

The extremely low chloride levels of Rock Garnet reduces the chance of chloride contamination.

Rock Garnet’s unique characteristics improve production rates, reduce abrasive usage, and lower disposal and clean-up costs.

High purity rock garnet provides fast cutting, ideal for removing thin to medium thickness coatings, mill scale, and rust.

Garnet A++Average Chemical Composition(Typical)

Silica SiO2——————-39%


Alumina Al2O3————–19%

Magnesium MgO————5%

Calcium CaO—————–9%

Titanium TiO2—————-0.39%

*Refers to SIO2 bound within the lattice of the homogeneous garnet crystal (no free silica).


Garnet A++ Physical properties (Typical)

Specific Gravity————–3.8

Bulk Density——————1.85g/cm3

Hardness———————–Mohs 7.5

Chloride———————–12ppm(25ppm max)

Acid Solubility(HCL)——-1%max

Conductivity——————25 ms/m max

Melting Point—————–1300℃

Grain Shape——————-Sub Angular

Garnet A++ Mineral Composition



I enite————————0.5-1%



Garnet A++ Particle Size Distribution

Garnet A++ colour garnet 30/60 pink garnet



Packaging & Shipping



•        1Ton/2200lbs bulk jumbo bag

•        2Ton/4400lbs bulk jumbo bag

•        40x25kg PP bags packed into 1Ton bag 


Garnet A++ colour garnet 30/60 pink garnet

Garnet A++ colour garnet 30/60 pink garnet


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