Workpiece pretreatment before sandblasting with garnet

Workpiece pretreatment before sandblasting with garnet

Before the workpiece is sprayed, sprayed (paint or other anti-corrosion materials), the surface of the workpiece should be treated with impurities, rust and dirt, which is called pretreatment or pretreatment.

The quality of the pretreatment affects the appearance, adhesion, corrosion resistance and moisture resistance of the spray coating. The coating film (layer) should be attached to a clean surface. If the pretreatment process is not done well, the rust will continue to spread in the coating, causing the spray coating to fall off in pieces. The surface that has been carefully cleaned and the workpiece that has been cleaned by hand (manually with sandpaper or wire brush) can be compared with the coating by exposure method, and the lifespan can be 4-5 times different. There are many methods of surface cleaning. The methods commonly used on the market are: 1. Solvent cleaning 2. Pickling 3. Hand tools 4. Power tools.

Among the above methods, each method has its own scope of application, but among all surface cleaning methods, the sandblasting method is a thorough, general, and extensive method for the following reasons:

1. The sandblasting machine is more thorough and cheaper than other pretreatment processes.

2. The sandblasting process allows you to freely choose the cleanliness and roughness of your workpiece.

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