Garnet selection criteria:

1. High-quality garnet should be iron-aluminum garnet, dark red or dark red in color. Some people call it brown sugar. This kind of garnet has high hardness and good toughness, and has an indirect protective effect on waterjet equipment. So when choosing, you must first look at the color, and observe whether the color of the garnet sand is pink, light red, or deep red before making a choice.
2. High-quality garnet sand should be a deep-seated rock mineral, and weathered surface or beach ore should not be used, otherwise the hardness and cutting force will be low, which will directly affect the cutting efficiency and cutting quality. Check the hardness when choosing, rub it with your hands to observe the degree of weathering of the garnet sand.
3. High-quality garnet sand should be clean, with less dust and impurities. Good minerals also require good craftsmanship, which requires multiple magnetic separations to remove unwanted impurities. It needs to be washed repeatedly to make the product less dusty; when choosing, look at the impurity content: take the same amount of sand from different manufacturers and put it into a mineral water bottle (half a cup of sand in a disposable paper cup, generally 1:9 ratio) filled with water Shake it to compare the turbidity of the water and whether there are floating impurities.

4. High-quality garnet sand should have a reasonable and uniform particle size distribution. There should be no too large particles to damage the sand pipe or jewel nozzle, and there should not be too small or invalid particles, dust, and impurities that directly affect the cutting speed. Check the particle distribution: Generally, grab a handful of sandpaper and place it as much as possible to grind it. You can also take a very small amount of sand and place it on white paper, and simply separate it to see if there are adhesive particles or too small particles.

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