How to choose garnet sand abrasive?

For garnet sand, both industrial and daily sandblasting and rust removal are indispensable as abrasives. But not all garnet sands can be used as sandblasting abrasives. Sandblasting requires more garnet sand, and the more important item is chloride content. Then I will introduce how to choose garnet sand abrasives?
     Nowadays, the quality of sand produced by some manufacturers on the market is relatively poor, and the content of these inferior sands is relatively high, which will easily produce soluble salts. Sandblasting in this environment will produce permeable foam in the interior of the layer. The internal corrosion and oxidation will affect the life of the layer, so when choosing garnet sand, you must choose a professional garnet manufacturer.

       The garnet sandblasting abrasive has been washed for 6 times during the production process, and the dust content is extremely low. At the same time, because the RZG garnet sandblasting abrasive has a high specific gravity and a fast settling speed, there is less dust during the sandblasting process and a good working environment. Moreover, the abrasive particles are a kind of sandblasting abrasive with small particles, many edges and corners, hardness and specific gravity. It can penetrate deep into the concave and convex positions and holes of the workpiece for cleaning. Garnet blasting has reached sa3 high-grade sandblasting abrasive Standards.

  Dust should be more common in the process of sandblasting. For example, copper slag and quartz sand with relatively light specific gravity will produce floating matter and may contain free silicon. If the general garnet sand is relatively rough during processing, it will cause dust and dust in the abrasive, which will cause trouble to the operator. The whole process of garnet sandblasting abrasive is monitored by computer, and there is no need to worry about this problem in multiple processes.

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