Garnet sandblasting grade reaches SA3

Sandblasting is an important link in the anticorrosion industry, and the abrasives used are also diverse. In the previous article, we introduced that as a high-quality sandblasting abrasive, garnet sand can reach the high blasting grade of SA3. So what effect can different blasting grades achieve? Take the steel structure as an example, look at the standard and actual drawings of ISO8501-1 published in 1988.

Sa1 mild jet

There should be no visible grease and dirt on the surface of the steel, and there should be no weakly adhered oxide scale, rust, paint coating and other impurities (water-soluble salt and welding residue).

Sa2 thorough spray treatment

There should be no visible grease, dirt, scale, rust, paint coating and other debris on the steel surface, and any attachments should be firm.

Sa2.5 very thorough spray treatment

There should be no visible grease, dirt, oxide scale, rust and paint coating attachments on the surface of the steel, and any residual traces should only have slight spots or streaks.

Sa3 sandblasted to visible clean metal

There should be no visible grease, dirt, oxide scale, rust and paint coating on the surface of the steel, and the surface should show a uniform metallic color.

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