How to distinguish whether garnet sand is high quality or poor quality

1: look at the color: observe whether the color of the garnet sand is pink, light red, or deep red, the redder the better. Why do you say that? Because garnet has magnesia-aluminum garnet and al-aluminum garnet, everyone should know that brown corundum is mixed with bauxite, coke and iron at a temperature of more than two thousand degrees The reason why the hardness of corundum is above 9 is that iron oxide and alumina are formed after adding iron. The purer the iron-aluminum garnet, the darker the color, and the darkest can reach dark red.

2: Look at the degree of powdering: knead it with your hands to observe the degree of powdering of the garnet sand. Good garnet sand has a large hardness and is not easy to powder.
3: The water experiment is more correct: take the same amount of sand from different manufacturers and put it into a mineral water bottle (half paper cup sand is beneficial, generally at a ratio of 1:9), fill it with water, shake it, and compare the turbidity of the water, and whether Some manufacturers do not have the conditions for sand washing, so they can only air-dry by natural drying. This kind of debris will be more. Anyone who has used waterjet sand should understand that the nozzle of the waterjet is very thin, and the phenomenon of pipe blockage also occurs from time to time. One of the reasons is that the waterjet sand is not clean and contains debris. Then plug the tube. If the sand is not clean and there is powdery mud, it will become two garnet particles and stick together, which will also block the tube. Moreover, the operation table below is very troublesome to clean up with mud.

4: Look at the degree of particle uniformity: Old users usually grab a handful of sand and try to put it on the polishing. New users can take a very small amount of sand and put it on white paper, and simply separate them to see if there are adhesive particles or too small particles. High-quality garnet sand waterjet sand is reasonable, there will be no large particles blocking the sand pipe, and there will not be too fine ineffective particles.

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