How to Select the water jet cutting garnet sand size?

How to Select the water jet cutting garnet sand size?

  • Garnet sand is widely used in the waterjet industry. It can be said that garnet sand drives the development of the waterjet industry. The general waterjet can only cut soft objects because of its low cutting force, so its application field is very limited. . When garnet sand is added to the water jet, the qualitative change can occur, and it can cut hard materials such as steel. At the same time, garnet waterjet cutting has become a common cutting method in the industry.
  • Selection of water jet garnet sand size
    If the particle size of garnet sand is too large, although the water cutting effect is better and the speed is fast, the particle size requirement is relatively high, and the principle of garnet sand cutting is that the water flow accelerates the garnet sand, so as to achieve a cutting effect. The ideal state is that one piece of sand enters the sand pipe, but in reality it is possible that two grains fall together. If there are large waterjet sand particles, the phenomenon of plugging will appear.
  •  If the particle size of garnet sand is too small, it will affect the cutting speed and cause waste of abrasives. Therefore, you must be cautious when choosing a garnet sand manufacturer, and you must have a certain understanding of mineral resources and production processes. Generally, garnet sand with uniform particle size will ensure its cutting speed and vertical cutting plane during the cutting process. smooth.
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