Three factors that affect the cutting speed of water jet

Three factors that affect the cutting speed of water jet

The cutting speed of the water jet is very important in water cutting. There are many factors that determine the speed of water cutting. The following editor will give you a detailed introduction:

1. The diameter of the water jet nozzle

The size of the diameter of the nozzle directly affects the effect that the water jet speed and pressure can achieve. With the increase of the nozzle diameter, the cutting speed and depth decrease, and the reduction of the nozzle diameter will increase the cutting speed and depth. Although the cutting speed and depth will increase as the outlet diameter of the nozzle decreases, if the diameter of the nozzle is reduced under a certain pressure, the jet will be atomized near the nozzle due to the entrainment of the air, so that the its loss of cutting ability

2. The properties of the processed material

The mechanical properties of the material to be processed are not only the main factor affecting the jet operating speed, but also the determining factor for determining the power parameters of the operating jet press. In the process of water cutting, although the tensile strength, compressive strength, flexural strength, impact toughness, elastic modulus and other parameters of the material have an impact on the cutting speed, through the analysis of the experimental results and the process of material damage, The tensile strength of the material has a great influence on the cutting process.

3. The influence of abrasives on water cutting

Abrasives in water cutting affect the cutting quality. Ordinary abrasives are difficult to be widely used in water cutting due to the disadvantages of insufficient hardness, uneven strength and high dust content; among many abrasives, only pomegranate sand fully meets the conditions for water cutting, and It is cheap and cost-effective, and can be reused many times.

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