What indicators of garnet abrasives are customers most concerned about?

What indicators of garnet abrasives are customers most concerned about?
1: Density: In physics, density refers to the mass per unit volume. For example, the density of RZG garnet abrasive is 3.9-4.1g/cm3. General density is mainly used to calculate the weight required when laying the thickness of multi-media filter media. So it is a converted intermediate quantity.
Very similar to density is specific gravity, also called relative density. The specific gravity of solids and liquids is the ratio of the density of the substance (completely dense state) to the density of pure H2O (999.972 kg/m3) at standard atmospheric pressure and 3.98°C. The specific gravity of almandine garnet abrasive is 4.1-4.4.
2: Test weight: also called weight. There are two understandings: 1. It refers to the weight of an object within a unit volume. It is often used in engineering to refer to the weight of one cubic meter, such as the weight of a unit volume of soil. 2. Indicates the gravity characteristics of an object due to the gravity of the earth. For homogeneous fluids, it refers to the gravity acting on unit volume. The unit is: cattle/cubic meter. In the filter material industry, its first meaning is generally used
Three: Wear rate: For this indicator, it is generally expressed by “the amount of material wear under unit load per unit time”. The lower the wear rate of garnet abrasive, the longer it will last.
Four: Hardness: Hardness has different testing methods in different industries, and the conclusions are not the same. However, in the mineral and gem industry, the Mohs hardness proposed by German mineralogist Friedrich Morse is generally used. The hardness of garnet abrasive indicates its wear resistance. Apart from diamond, corundum, and topaz, garnet is the only one found in nature.
5: Porosity: Porosity refers to the percentage of the pore volume in bulk materials to the total volume of the material in its natural state. In the filter material industry, the porosity mainly affects the particle size of filtered impurities, such as haixu garnet abrasives. The porosity reaches 50%.

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