Why should garnet waterjet sand be moisture-proof?

Why should garnet waterjet sand be moisture-proof?
   The quality evaluation of garnet waterjet sand generally focuses on the following aspects: high hardness, clean and dust-free, uniform particles and no larger or smaller particles, all of which ensure that the waterjet can have a better cutting speed. In fact, in addition to the larger aspects of the products themselves, some small details should also be paid attention to. Sometimes the details often determine the success or failure of the product, such as the moisture-proof packaging of the product. Everyone should know about the waterjet sand pipe. Its diameter is relatively small. In actual use, the waterjet sand must be mixed with the sand pipe and high-speed water flow to ensure high-speed kinetic energy for cutting.
Why should garnet waterjet sand be moisture-proof?
Sometimes it causes the problem of blockage of large-particle sand pipes. In addition to the product itself, it may also be that the garnet waterjet sand is damp, which will cause the waterjet sand to form small pieces, so in order to avoid this problem, it is necessary to do The moisture-proof work of garnet waterjet sand should be carried out from the following aspects:

   1. When buying garnet waterjet sand, you should choose the products of regular manufacturers to ensure that the drying process of the products is in place.

  2. It should be protected from moisture or rain during transportation.

  3. When using and storing, it should be placed in a dry environment, and the remaining sand should be cleaned up and sealed in time to strengthen the awareness of moisture prevention.

   In general, attention to moisture prevention is also for the use of work, the garnet waterjet sand can smoothly cooperate with the waterjet for cutting work. Zhengzhou Haixu Abrasives Co., Ltd. reminds you to do a good job in the early stage, which can save a lot of effort in the subsequent work, as well as work and life.

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